2023 Young Adult Christmas Party
The Young Adult Ministry is a new ministry for folks roughly between the ages of 19 and 35. College, grad school, moving to new cities, parenthood - whatever your 20’s and 30’s look like, we invite you to join us in building a community of young people seeking a modern relationship with faith, fellowship, and making your own definition of adulthood.
Feel free to join our mailing list to get updates on our upcoming events! We promise we won’t spam your inbox - we’ll just let you know when things are happening and how you can join in.
Young Adult Sunday School
9:45-10:45, Every Sunday
We have a Sunday School block! Young-ish adults are invited to the 2rd floor Gathering Room of Saint Mark’s education building for a chance to explore the ins and outs of our faith together.
Email the church office at Office@stmarkumc.org for more info.